143 research outputs found

    Hikikomori in Japanese youth: some possible pathways for alleviating this problem from the perspective of dynamic systems theory

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    Journal ArticleIn this paper, we will discuss the problem of hikikomori, in which an individual remains at home, typically isolated in the bedroom, with limited contact to the outside world. Hikikomori has been discussed primarily from a psychological perspective in Japan. In this paper, we take dynamic systems perspective, incorporating historical and cultural points of view. We address the question: "Is this a psychological (clinical) phenomena or a cultural-societal one?" The first author, Alan Fogel, has been doing research in the area of social and emotional development for more than 30 years. He worked at the University of Nagoya in 1983-84 as a Fulbright senior research scholar, where he conducted research on motherinfant communication and early childhood development with Professors Masatoshi Kawai and Hideo Kojima. During this period, Professor Fogel made several trips to visit the Research Center at Hokkaido University for discussions with Professors Kazuo Miyake and Shing-Jen Chen. Professor Fogel has made regular visits to Japan since that time. His perspective is that of an American developmental psychologist and educator who has some knowledge of Japanese history and culture

    Current problems of Japanese youth: some possible pathways for alleviating these problems from the perspective of dynamic systems theory

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    Journal ArticleYoshiko wouldn't reveal her son's name, because of fears that her neighbors in a suburb of Tokyo might find out. Three years ago, a classmate taunted her seventeen-year-old son with anonymous hate letters and abusive graffiti about him in the schoolyard. After that, he went into the family's kitchen, shut the door, and refused to leave and he hasn't left the room since then or allowed anyone in. The family eventually decided to build a new kitchen and Yoshiko takes meals to her son's door three times a day. There is a toilet next to the kitchen, but the boy has bathed only twice each year (adapted from a story by Phil Rees, BBC News, Sunday, October 20, 2002)

    Emergence of physiological rhythmicity in term and preterm neonates in a neonatal intensive care unit

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    BACKGROUND: Biological rhythmicity, particularly circadian rhythmicity, is considered to be a key mechanism in the maintenance of physiological function. Very little is known, however, about biological rhythmicity pattern in preterm and term neonates in neonatal intensive care units (NICU). In this study, we investigated whether term and preterm neonates admitted to NICU exhibit biological rhythmicity during the neonatal period. METHODS: Twenty-four-hour continuous recording of four physiological variables (heart rate: HR recorded by electrocardiogram; pulse rate: PR recorded by pulse oxymetry; respiratory rate: RR; and oxygen saturation of pulse oxymetry: SpO(2)) was conducted on 187 neonates in NICU during 0–21 days of postnatal age (PNA). Rhythmicity was analyzed by spectral analysis (SPSS procedure Spectra). The Fisher test was performed to test the statistical significance of the cycles. The cycle with the largest peak of the periodogram intensities was determined as dominant cycle and confirmed by Fourier analysis. The amplitudes and amplitude indexes for each dominant cycle were calculated. RESULTS: Circadian cycles were observed among 23.8% neonates in HR, 20% in PR, 27.8% in RR and 16% in SpO(2 )in 0–3 days of PNA. Percentages of circadian cycles were the highest (40%) at <28 wks of gestational age (GA), decreasing with GA, and the lowest (14.3%) at >= 37 wks GA within 3 days of PNA in PR and were decreased in the later PNA. An increase of the amplitude with GA was observed in PR, and significant group differences were present in all periods. Amplitudes and amplitude indexes were positively correlated with postconceptional age (PCA) in PR (p < 0.001). Among clinical parameters, oxygen administration showed significant association (p < 0.05) with circadian rhythms of PR in the first 3 days of life. CONCLUSION: Whereas circadian rhythmicity in neonates may result from maternal influence, the increase of amplitude indexes in PR with PCA may be related to physiological maturity. Further studies are needed to elucidate the effect of oxygenation on physiological rhythmicity in neonates

    GDNF-inducible zinc finger protein 1 is a sequence-specific transcriptional repressor that binds to the HOXA10 gene regulatory region

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    The RET tyrosine kinase receptor and its ligand, glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) are critical regulators of renal and neural development. It has been demonstrated that RET activates a variety of downstream signaling cascades, including the RAS/mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase(PI3-K)/AKT pathways. However, nuclear targets specific to RET-triggered signaling still remain elusive. We have previously identified a novel zinc finger protein, GZF1, whose expression is induced during GDNF/RET signaling and may play a role in renal branching morphogenesis. Here, we report the DNA binding property of GZF1 and its potential target gene. Using the cyclic amplification and selection of targets technique, the consensus DNA sequence to which GZF1 binds was determined. This sequence was found in the 5′ regulatory region of the HOXA10 gene. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay revealed that GZF1 specifically binds to the determined consensus sequence and suppresses transcription of the luciferase gene from the HOXA10 gene regulatory element. These findings thus suggest that GZF1 may regulate the spatial and temporal expression of the HOXA10 gene which plays a role in morphogenesis

    Detection and management of cardiomyopathy in female dystrophinopathy carriers

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    Regular health checkups for mothers of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy have been performed at National Hospital Organization Tokushima Hospital since 1994. Among 43 mothers participated in this study, 28 dystrophinopathy carriers were identified. Skeletal and cardiac muscle functions of these subjects were examined. High serum creatine kinase was found in 23 subjects (82.1%). Obvious muscle weakness was present in 5 (17.8%) and had progressed from 1994 to 2015. Cardiomyopathy was observed in 15 subjects (60.0%), including dilated cardiomyopathy-like damage that was more common in the left ventricular (LV) posterior wall. Late gadolinium enhancement on cardiac MRI was found in 5 of 6 subjects, suggesting fibrotic cardiac muscle. In speckle tracking echocardiography performed seven years later, global longitudinal strain was decreased in these subjects, indicating LV myocardial contractile abnormality. These results suggest that female dystrophinopathy carriers should receive regular checkups for detection and treatment of cardiomyopathy, even if they have no cardiac symptoms


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    Background Study for Operation Development : Case Kuljetus Eklöf Oy

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    The thesis was done for Kuljetus Eklöf Oy (and its daughter company, the Hungary based Transport Eklöf Kft), to find out whether an implemented quality management system would increase the competitiveness of the company. Further research was carried out in the field of human resources, focusing on motivation of workers and education of professional truck drivers, and how those research areas can be connected to provide quality work that meets customers’ requirements. During the research processes both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used. The research was based on literature review in the fields of total quality management and human resources; surveys carried out among main customers to find out their expectations towards the company and surveys for drivers of the company to see their opinion about quality and motivation. The author was a participant observer throughout the whole writing process. The results of the thesis include explanations on the requirements, advantages and disadvantages of implementing quality management system, leadership, motivation, employee performance, rewarding and development, labour turnover and driver shortage. After research process has been done suggestions were given for operation improvements to overcome problems a company might face in the competitive transportation business, from quality and human resources point of view